Saturday, February 29, 2020

Case Study of Managing patient suffering Opoid constipation

Case Study of Managing patient suffering Opoid constipation This case study outlines the clinical management of a client with a problem with Opioid induced constipation. Opioid analgesics (narcotics) cause constipation in most people. Opioids slow down the stool as it passes along the intestinal tract. This causes the stool to become hard. If you have hard stools, have difficulty passing bowel movements and the movements become infrequent, then you have constipation. Constipation can be very bothersome and last as long as you are taking narcotics on a regular basis. Therefore, it is important that we learn to manage our bowels effectively. Throughout the analysis the anonymity and confidentiality of this patient will be protected as outlined by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008) and therefore the patient will be referred to as Mark Scott. Additionally consent was gained by Mark to allow the author to use his case for my assessment. History of present illness Mark Scott is a 64 year old gentleman who is 2 days post op following a Right Total Hip Replacement (RTHR). Total hip replacement involves removal of a diseased hip joint and replacement with a prosthetic joint. Whilst doing the medications Mark confided in the nurse that he may have a problem with his bowels and that he may be constipated. To enable the nurse to assess Mark she would have to understand constipation, it helps to know how the colon, or large intestine, works. As food moves through the colon, the colon absorbs water from the food while it forms waste products, or stool. Muscle contractions in the colon then push the stool toward the rectum. By the time stool reaches the rectum it is solid, because most of the water has been absorbed. Constipation occurs when the colon absorbs too much water or if the colon’s muscle contractions are slow or sluggish, causing the stool to move through the colon too slowly. As a result, stools can become hard and dry. Mark asked the nurse if there was anything she could give him to ease the discomfort he wa s experiencing, However as Mark has presented with a new problem with the possibility of him needing medication, the nurse would first need to undertake a holistic assessment of Mark. The purpose of assessment is to allow the nurse to examine all relevant factors of the problem and allow her to make the decision of whether prescribing a patient group directive (PGD) is an appropriate intervention (Humphries, 2002). Consider the patient When Mark stated he thought he was constipated, it was important to ascertain his own interpretation of what this meant. For example, Wondergerm (2005) states that for some, constipation may mean opening their bowels less than three times a day. On the other hand, constipation may mean opening of the bowels less than three times a week. There appears to be a general consensus that the range for normal bowel activity lies somewhere between three bowel motions daily to one bowel motion every three days. However, it is important to remember that a change from three bowel motions a day to one every three days may represent a significant change for the patient, despite remaining within the normal limits (Peate, 2003).

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Spam (Computing) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Spam (Computing) - Essay Example Proponents of permission-based emails argue that the receiver can simply hit the delete button or use an opt-out option listed in the electronic advertisement if they do not want to view the email. (Godin, 1999, pg. 43). Opponents charge anything that arrives in the inbox that the recipient didn’t request is spam and that just because a purchase is made doesn’t give that company the right to inundate them with junk mail. The debate is joined whether this tactic serves to generate trade or to drive potential customers away. Spam is considered not only intrusive but is generally viewed as a scheme of some kind. Those that don’t differentiate between the two are driven away from these emails thus questioning their effectiveness. The question then becomes are permission based emails an unwanted and ineffective or a necessary and reasonable method of advertising? Argument Spammers have long attempted to justify their intrusive form of advertising. So-called permission -based marketing is just another example of spam. According to their logic, if a person forgets to check a button at the end of an online order form requesting no further correspondence, this constitutes permission. If a lawn care or maintenance man had access to your property does that give implied permission to sell you Viagra? When a service or product is purchased on the Internet, does this give implied permission for the company to suggest sell on a daily basis via your email account? If a consumer is required to type in an email address to visit the site or bought a related product from another company that, in turn, sold their email lists, this is all considered permission to inundate an email box with spam. An opt-in list can be purchased, on the Internet, of course, thus making even a respectable company’s permission list suspect. Many companies, including utility and service companies assume that an individual has granted spam permission if they have used a product or service of that company. These emails typically announce that this email is not spam; you have opted to receive this information. It goes on to espouse the company’s spam policy and that it’s policy prohibits spam of any kind. There seems to be a perception chasm between marketers and the consumer. (Dean, 2003). If the old adage ‘time is money’ is correct, then stolen time is stolen money. The theft of a few seconds will not cause a person to lose their livelihood but that is similar to saying stealing one item from a chain store won’t bankrupt the company. Wrong on a small scale is still wrong. Spammers may argue that junk mail does not have the same effect as stealing because there is an opt-out option choice on the email, but the time spent reading, following the link and then the steps necessary to stop the spam is time lost. Multiply that 30 seconds of effort by 100’s of spam emails and that is significant money stolen from an individ ual and/or their employer. (Rhode, 2003). Adopting Opt-in anti-spam email rules worldwide would limit spam messages, perceived or otherwise, as the consumer would have to make a deliberate choice to receive company generated email. The Opt-out option addresses the spam issue only after the unwanted message was sent. The loss of time and irritation to

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Networking and operating systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Networking and operating systems - Essay Example The users can interact with the operating systems by use of graphical user interface (GUI) or typing commands. There are three major operating systems, including Mac OS X, windows and Linux. Various companies are multitasking on i-OS4 instead of Blackberry devices. The i-OS4 ranks as the last mobile OS in supporting multitasking. The reason why the multitasking in Android is at last is because the designers entirely wanted to avoid it. The traditional multitasking cannot suit in Google phones and Androids because the limited resources and complexity. Complexity arises due to a simple UI and smaller visual space on mobile devices. There is no simple way of indicating to the user the running of the multiple applications. The device cannot also control or quit multiple applications (Raggo & Hosmer 2012, p. 97). Users often expect easy, simple and idiot-proof mobile devices. The second reason is inadequate resources. The phone uses memory and CPU to run everything, and in turn uses the battery power. Many of the apps, therefore, are not written or need to use all memory bytes or need of hitting the network in order to accomplish their tasks. Saving state is the most common Android’s form of multitasking. The OS of an Android provides a major support in the operating system in enabling the application developers to write the current condition of their applications and reload back when their app is restarted. The OS keeps the application in memory enhancing the switch back to fast. Running in the background is the less ordinary form of multitasking, particularly on the apps the want to continue in downloading twitter messages, playing music or performing other activities. Android supports all the types of apps where it allows them to register and run various services (Raggo & Hosmer 2012, p. 109). The entire background runs as a service thread,